Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2015

Vacation is fast approaching and I am still pushing 200 pounds. Yes, you are reading that correctly. If you have been following me, you know that is also where I started. Truth, I haven't done much of anything to help get that number down.


That is the only word you need to know, excuses. I have plenty of them. I am tired. I don't have enough time. I'm to hungry. I don't feel like cooking. I don't feel like running.

Over all, I am just lazy. I am a fat lazy dummy who thinks that sitting on the couch eating some potato chips is better for me than getting up and running for a 1/2 hour. Losing weight is tough, but getting started is even harder. Not only do you have to change EVERYTHING about you, you have to fight the old you in order to do it. Once you get used to the new you, it is a little easier (in my opinion anyway).

I am used to eating whatever I want, whenever I want and pretty much doing it while sitting on my butt for hours upon hours. In order to lose weight, I have limit what I can eat, when I can eat it and quite frankly, I shouldn't do it sitting down... get what I am saying?

Not only do I have change what I eat, I have to change WHERE I eat. Have you read that when you eat a certain location, your body starts to associate that location with food? For example, when I was in high school, I would eat in my bedroom... needless to say, I would always get hungry when I was in there. Now, I eat in my living room on the couch in front of the TV. Since I spend most of the time in the living room, when I am sitting there, I just seem to be hungry ALL the time.

Now, I have dining room with a table and chairs so there is NO reason why I have to eat in the living room. This is going to change.

When I am at work, I really should switch to eating in the break-room instead of at my desk because I do find that I eat more than I really should. But that is something that I will deal with at a later time.

I am all about baby steps. I am done jumping right into everything because I am failing, majorly. Taking little steps to the bigger picture. Changing this here, and this there. It will be slower, but it will get me to where I want to be.

March Goals

  • Eat at the dining room table for all meals I am home for. 
  • Eat 2-3 servings of veggies (at least).
  • Eat 1-2 servings of fruits (at least). 
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3 days a week. 
Sounds easy right? Wrong. This is a HUGE change for me even though they are baby steps. But it all adds up to the bigger picture, a more healthier me. I will start today. No excuses. If I can't get do my C25K program tonight, then I need to do some other type of cardio workout at home, no if's, and's or but's. 

I will check back in soon!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Update on My Weight Loss

Losing weight is not something that you should take lightly. It is also not something that you just say "oh, I am going to lose weight" and then poof it happens. A lot of work goes into losing weight. On paper, behind the scenes and each and every day; before and after you start.

For me, the starting is the easy part; the keeping up with it is the difficult part. People will tell me all kinds of things as to why they think I am not losing weight. And yes, some of them are true. I don't eat right, I don't exercise, blah blah blah. Truth is, if I ate better, the exercise wouldn't be needed (as much). On the other side, if I exercise a bit more then the bad eating I do wouldn't have such a major impact.

The problem isn't that I am addicted to food, it is the fact that I am lazy. Fat people are lazy people (not all, but most).

Why am I saying all this? Because I have gained back the weight that I lost (plus some extra) over the last couple of months. I have been eating fairly better then normal and have been doing a little bit of exercise. However, the days I exercise I eat good, and the days I eat bad... well, I just sit around.

Everyone is going to tell you something that has worked for them, but honestly, losing weight is something that takes time and you have to do what works for you DURING that time. Don't listen when someone tells you that you have to run for 3 hours everyday or that you have to eat ONLY fruit and veggies for a week. Yes, they may have done it and it worked for them, well done, that is great. You won't catch me running that much or limiting my food intake to just fruit and veggies.

I still am working on what works best for me. One thing I know, if I do my workout first thing the morning, I feel great. More so because I know I need to do so I get it done and then I don't have to think about it again until the next morning. On the flip side, I am not a morning person and it is super hard to drag my butt out of bed early enough to do it... see, still working on it.

You are a work in progress, so don't stress over the big things. Just worry about the little things and how they are working for you.

Now, go do some squats! (You don't really have too, but it would be cool if you did!)